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Migrate a dapp to Linea

Linea is EVM-equivalent, which means any dapp running on another chain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) can run on Linea with no changes. Accordingly, all you'll need to do is:

  • Duplicate your existing smart contracts and deploy them on Linea.
  • Configure your dapp's backend code to interact with Linea.
  • Update your dapp's frontend to display Linea options to users.

Differences with other EVM-compatible chains

Although Linea's functions under the hood are, naturally, significantly different from Ethereum Mainnet and from many other EVM-compatible chains, the differences for builders are intentionally minimal. However, there are a handful of differences to bear in mind.

These are covered in detail on our Ethereum differences page. In summary:

  • Linea uses the London version of the EVM, which means the availability of some opcodes differs from other chains.
  • Some precompiles behave differently.
  • The standard JSON-RPC API is largely the same, but has a few Linea-specific methods and one that behaves differently from its Ethereum Mainnet equivalent. Notably, we recommend you use linea_estimateGas for the most accurate gas prices for your users.

Evmdiff is a useful resource for comparing Linea with other chains.

Deploy smart contracts

Your dapp's existing contracts must be deployed on Linea. Part one of our quickstart covers this, or you can pick one of multiple contract deployment tooling guides.

Configure backend

You'll need to make sure your dapp is configured to interact with Linea.

Chain information

You may need to update your dapp with Linea chain information, which our network information page covers.

RPC providers

Most major RPC providers support Linea RPC endpoints. Visit our RPC providers page for a non-exhaustive list of public and private endpoints.


Not all RPC providers support Linea-specific JSON-RPC API methods such as linea_estimateGas. The node providers page details which providers do support these methods.

Wallet connection

Multiple libraries, including Wagmi and Viem, support Linea wallet connectors.

Check out our wallet connection guide for additional information.

Configure frontend

Linea brand assets

The Linea site has a zip file of official Linea logos and icons available for download, available as both PNGs and SVGs. If you need some assets or media that aren't covered here, please reach out on Discord.